COVID-19: Legal Obligations for Business Owners – SYDECON

    As promised we will soon follow our first entry on Segregation of Duties with a case study. But in light of the recent developments a quick guide on legal obligations for business owners may be in order first.

    With the spread of the #CoronaVirus (COVID-19) companies are obligated to look out for employee safety. We are therefore listing some key options you have for maintaining compliance whilst also remaining with a stabilized workflow.

    1. Intensify communication. As provided in our YouTube-Video on Shared Service Management it is critical that you stay in contact with employees of your company at all times. Be it directly or via chain of command. You will need to be able to show that you have given staff accurate and reliable information about ways to prevent themselves from getting sick and preventing the spread of the virus.
    2. Consider every possible way for your employees to work from home. Also be on the lookout when it comes to returning to work. You should instruct your staff to inform you directly if possible if they have been exposed to people infected with the virus or show symptoms of infection themselves.
    3. Let the customers know you are still there for them. Let them know how you conduct business during this period. Let them see the measures you have in place. You will need to prepare for the time after quarantine.
    4. Plan for worst-case-scenario. Discuss any escalation plans required. Stay informed and up to date on recent developments and don’t shy away from considering every possible outcome for your company.

    Stay healthy and tuned in for now, we will soon be back with new content.

    In the meantime, come follow us on LinkedIn!

    By | 2020-03-25T10:17:03+00:00 March 25th, 2020|Featured, News, SYDECON Timeline|0 Comments

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