Digital Compliance – Risks, Resources, Possibilities

Against the background of increasing corporate digitization, so-called digital compliance is becoming increasingly important. In this context, the term primarily refers to the regulatory, i.e. legal requirements for handling information technology and its use. IT security certainly plays a central role here. Topics such as data protection, the differentiation and outsourcing of business processes and others are essential processes that fall into the field of digital compliance.

Those who use digital compliance correctly can not only minimize their necessary expenses, but also get the most out of profit with optimized business processes and clearly defined regulations. According to a current study by the Technical University of Munich in collaboration with Noerr, there are three main points that companies can use to read and improve the quality of their digital compliance.

  1. be aware or be square

Companies that proactively inform themselves and deal with the regulatory requirements naturally have an advantage. According to the results of the study, the majority of companies still believe that corporate networks pose a low risk. However, cyber attacks often focus precisely on these structures.

Companies should therefore be aware of the opportunities and risks of new technologies at all times and take advantage of them at their own discretion. Many companies in Germany have therefore hardly or not at all dealt with the corresponding solutions

2. allocation is key

Those who use company resources correctly also gain an advantage over the competition. If the staff is in the right place, productive and economically sensible solutions are usually found faster, for example, and digital compliance is better taken into account.

However, only around a third of the companies surveyed have so far created their own department for compliance risks. So many of them need to make improvements here.

3. compliance goes digital

Many digital compliance tools can now fully automatically help companies to close compliance gaps and to better record and organize master data. It is important, however, that large companies with several thousand employees still employ experts who deal specifically with the various opportunities and risks of the tools and can explain what exactly these tools do.

For example, the MDM Enterprise solution from SYDECON is designed to make the operation and creation of new compliance structures as simple and understandable as possible. Find out more and visit us at!

By | 2021-11-19T13:57:31+00:00 November 19th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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